Naunton Village Hall Cotswolds Photo Gallery
If you have read any content on our previous projects you will note that they all end up with a happy ending, unfortunately this would did not.
N.V.H was a very run down un-attractive and un-appealing building run by a committee but to their credit they raised funds through various channels to renovate and build a kitchen extension.
This project like most of our projects went out to various Cotswolds builders to tender for the works, we were obviously the cheapest so got awarded the job.
What we did not expect was on behalf of N.V.H they elected 2 committee members to act as project managers neither who had any idea how a proper contract is run although they both thought they did and obviously spent all day looking at Mr Google and B&Q for screws you can buy a few pence cheaper than me, quite frankly they were a nuisance and cost N.V.H time and money with legal costs that were un-necessary.
Nevertheless N.V.H was totally re-vamped and re-vitalised to an amazing village hall they should all be proud of.
Just a friendly warning to my fellow Cotswold builders always be wary working for committees who think they are builders it’s a bad recipe and un-less your company’s insurance policy like ours covers you for these very rare situations walk away they will need you more than you need them.
Call us today to discuss your requirements and we can build your dream county home together.