This policy has been prepared and issued to all our employees and sub-contractors to ensure that everyone is aware that we are committed to preventing accidents and ill-health on our sites and workplaces. The information it contains relates to the work, plant, equipment and procedures of our company. If any of the checkpoints cannot be answered satisfactorily, inform your Supervisor or Manager immediately.
Please read this policy and refer to it regularly.
Make sure you know your duties for health and safety.
We are counting on your co-operation!
- Part 1: Health and Safety Policy Statement
- Part 2: Our Organisation for Health and Safety
- Part 3: Arrangements
- Part 4: Site Safety
- Part 5: Special Risks
Part 1: Health and Safety Policy Statement
This is a statement of policy by the Carenza Development Ltd about its intentions, organisation and arrangements for ensuring the health and safety at work of its employees, Members of the public, visitors and contractors, whilst on our sites or in our premises.
Supplementary to this general Policy Statement, as necessary, there will be specific policies and procedures describing, in detail, health and safety provisions in each part of the organisation.
Statement of Intent
It is the policy of Carenza Development Ltd to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees while they are at work and of others who may be affected by their undertakings, and to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all other allied relevant legislation as appropriate.
In order to achieve compliance with the statement of policy, Carenza Development Ltd has set the following objectives:
- To set and maintain high standards for health and safety at its Offices, and sites.
- To identify risks and set in place programmes to remove or reduce these risks.
- To ensure that these standards are communicated to all employees.
- To ensure that all personnel are given the necessary information, instruction and training to enable them to work in a safe manner.
- To ensure the dissemination and discussion of relevant information on safety and health issues.
- To develop promotional campaigns and otherwise to encourage safety and health awareness of employees and residents.
- To monitor its operation at each site.
To ensure the prevention of ill health and the avoidance of accidents, and the promotion of safe and healthy workplaces, the following responsibilities have been established.
Managing Director
Lui Carenza has established the overall Health and Safety Policy and has responsibility for implementing and monitoring the policy principally through the Directors.
The Directors are responsible for:
- Keeping the Group Health and Safety Policy under review and ensuring that it is revised as and when necessary.
- Monitoring the Policy’s implementation, and setting targets or objectives where appropriate.
- Reporting on progress to the Board of Directors
- Bringing to the Boards attention any faults or areas of weakness in the Policy or its implementation.
- Ensuring that the relevant resources are made available to enable the policy to be implemented.
Site Agents & Managers
Site agents & managers are responsible for:
- The practical implementation of the Health and Safety policy,the Health and Safety at Work etc.
Act 1974 and other relevant legislation. - Ensuring that the operations under their control are, as far as is reasonably practicable, conducted without detriment to the health and safety of employees or others who may be affected by their activities.
- Ensuring that their area of responsibility is subject to risk assessment, regular inspections and audits.
- Ensuring that all accidents, incidents and near misses, within their area of responsibility, are reported, reviewing all such reports and ensuring that a full investigation is carried out and appropriate remedial action taken, where necessary.
Representatives of employee safety
The role of the Representative of employee safety is to:
- Communicate policy on all health and safety matters within their work areas.
- Encourage all personnel to be involved in matters of health and safety.
- Attend Health and Safety Committee meetings.
- Carry out periodic inspections to identify unsafe equipment, working conditions, practices and fire hazards, make reports of findings and recommendations regarding the remedying of any defects.
- Assist with risk assessments where appropriate.
- Assist with accident investigation.
- Consult with managers and supervisors on all issues of health and safety.
Individual Responsibilities
All employees are required to:
- Co-operate in implementing the requirements of all Health and Safety legislation, related codes of practice and safety instructions.
- Refrain from doing anything which constitutes a danger to themselves or others.
- Immediately bring to the attention of their line management/supervisor/site management, any situations or practices that are noted which may lead to injuries or ill health.
- Ensure that any equipment issued to them, or for which they are responsible, is correctly used and properly stored.
- Be responsible for good house keeping in the area in which they are working.
- Report all accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses, in accordance with company guidance.
All Contractors working on site are required to comply with appropriate rules and regulations governing their work activities. Contractors are legally responsible for their own workforce and for ensuring that their work is carried out in a safe manner.
The name of the person designated with the responsibility for health and safety within the group is to be prominently displayed for the information of all employees. Communication of information will be conducted by team briefings, and information on company notice boards.
Consultation and Training
The Directors are committed to involving employees at all levels in the maintenance of Health and Safety standards and to provide them with adequate information, instruction and training. External health and safety consultants will be used to provide professional health, safety, and occupational advice, as required.
Policy Review
The effectiveness of general policy statement and other specific policies in use throughout the Company will be regularly reviewed and revised as and when necessary.
This defines ‘Who is to do what‘ with regard to health and safety.
It covers the responsibilities within Carenza Development Ltd for all located health and safety tasks.
It is important that we are all aware of the legal responsibilities we have and work together to achieve a high standard of health and safety.
All personnel must know what lines of communication and levels of responsibility exist to ensure that safety matters are dealt with efficiently.
Employees’ responsibilities
All our employees, regardless of position or occupation, have general duties under Sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other related legislation.
We ALL have the legal responsibility to:
- Take reasonable care of our own safety and the safety of any other persons who may be affected by what we do or fail to do at work.
- Co-operate with each other so as to enable compliance with any imposed legal duty or requirement.
- Not interfere with or misuse, intentionally or recklessly,anything provided in the interests of safety.
- The following individual posts have been allocated specific health and safety responsibilities within the terms of our Policy:
- Lui Carenza who will act as the health and safety co-ordinator.
- The directors.
- The site Agents & managers.
They are also required to monitor their areas of control as well as the performance and activities of subordinates to ensure that acceptable standards are maintained. Where several members of staff are involved with assisting the employer to carry out their health and safety duties then one should be appointed as co-ordinator. In our company the person responsible for the coordination of health and safety matters is Lui Carenza.
Initiatives and planned action will be based on legal duties, outcomes of risk assessments and recommendations/decisions of the safety committee such initiatives will be considered by the Board of Directors (BOD). In addition to other responsibilities specified in the job description the H&S co-ordinator will have the following functions in his role as the health and safety co-ordinator.
The Health & Safety Co-Coordinator should:
- Be aware of the chief requirements of the HSWA and other legislation relevant to the company and be able to keep abreast of any changes in the law.
- Be responsible for keeping the health and safety policy documentation up to date.
- Report legal developments and good practice management methods to the directors, department managers and supervisors necessary.
- Be the main point of contact with and organise the contract and work of any health and safety consultant to be employed.
- Be able to and carry out regular health and safety audits and produce audit reports in conjunction with our health and safety consultants.
- Report the findings of audits to relevant managers appointed for health and safety purposes.
- Take charge of and co-ordinate health and safety monitoring activities.
- Receive information from appointed competent persons (i.e. the departmental managers, consultants, contractors) on a regular arranged basis.
- Disseminate relevant trade safety information to the relevant stakeholders within and external to the company as and when necessary.
- Take charge of the maintenance of fire fighting appliances throughout the building and fulfilling the terms of the fire certificate as agreed with the local fire authority.
- Maintain the central training records file documenting, which staff has had what safety training.
- Keep records of health and safety induction training.
- Act as the focus for communicating the health and safety message generally, using paper or electronic means as appropriate.
- Help to prepare annual health and safety budgets with appointed departmental managers and confirm by the board of directors (BOD)
- Prepare the annual accident report for the (BOD) in conjunction to include the number and obvious implications of accidents and absence due to illness.
- Provide relevant information to safety reps via the safety committee
- Organise first aid training in conjunction with the department managers and the office supervisors.
- Appoint fire wardens and organise their training in consultation with the general manager and the office supervisor.
- Collate risk assessment results into a summary report for the health and safety policy manual.
The Site Agents & Managers have responsibility within the
company for ensuring:
- The objectives outlined within the safety policy and management control system are fully understood and observed by persons under their control.
- The responsibilities for health and safety defined within the health and safety management control system are fully understood, and implemented as appropriate, by all persons under your control.
- Changes in the health and safety policy and management control system are brought to the attention of all persons under your control.
- Safe systems of work are developed, implemented and controlled.
- Suitable risk assessments are carried out covering all processes and activities carried out by the company with adequate records maintained.
Communication and consultation
Adequate communication channels are maintained so that information concerning health and safety matters, including the results of risk assessments, which may affect any or all employees, is communicated to them. Initiatives and planned action will be based on legal duties, outcomes of risk assessments and recommendations/decisions of the safety committee and in conjunction with the nominated health and safety co-ordinator.
Matters concerning health and safety raised by any employee are thoroughly investigated, and where necessary, effective action taken. Matters which cannot be effectively remedied are referred to the appropriate site agent / manager for guidance or advice. Regular meetings are held where any matters relating to Health, Safety and Welfare may be discussed.
Finance and planning
Adequate funds, materials, equipment and human resources are provided to meet all health and safety requirements.
Contingency planning
Effective contingency planning arrangements are in place to control potentially serious hazards or situations of imminent danger.
The department manager is required to monitor their area of control as well as the performance and activities of subordinates to ensure that acceptable standards are maintained. The health and safety monitoring activities are to be carried out at fortnightly intervals based on the outcomes of risk assessments. When monitoring is carried out reference should be made to the relevant Safe Working Systems, the contents of the risk assessment reports and any other relevant information such as applicable manufacturer’s instructions.
Where necessary the general manager will report findings to Carenza Development so that appropriate action can be taken.
Adequate welfare facilities are provided and maintained to a satisfactory standard.
A safe means of access and egress to the place of work is provided. The workplace is maintained in a clean and tidy condition with effective cleaning schedules implemented.
Work environment
Adequate provisions are made with respect to heating, lighting and ventilation. Sufficient workspace is available to allow work activities to be carried out safely.
Accidents and ill-health
All accidents, ill-health or near-miss incidents arising from the work activity are adequately investigated, recorded and reported as detailed in the Accident and Incident reporting procedure.
Accident reporting
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) require accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences which result from work to be reported. This allows the enforcing authority to identify hazardous situations and workplaces, and to compile annual statistics on occupational accidents and ill-health.
Reports of accidents must also be kept at the workplace, and may prove useful as an indication of unsafe areas and work activities. They may also provide a benchmark for improving our safety performance at work.
Under the Social Security (Claims and Payments) Regulations 1979 (as amended), employers must record all accidents, however minor the injuries are, in Accident Book BI 510. Employees are obliged to report any accidents they have at work to their employer immediately, and the employer must at least be aware of the circumstances leading to each accident. Failure to record the details of all injuries in the Accident Book could lead to claims for industrial injury benefits not being accepted. Accident Books must also be available for inspection by enforcement officers. They must be kept for at least three years after the date of the last entry.
Part 3: Arrangements
Risk Assessment
We will carry out suitable and sufficient assessments of the risks to the health and safety of our employees and to others who might be affected by our work activities, in compliance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. To ensure that this happens we will:
- Identify all hazards with a potential to cause harm to our employees and others who may be affected by our business.
- Evaluate the probability and severity of potential injury or damage.
- Analyse the options for eliminating, reducing or controlling the identified risks and then take the appropriate action.
- Review the assessments periodically and particularly where they may no longer be valid or where there has been a significant change in work activities, processes, etc.
- Keep records in writing, or electronic form, of the significant findings of risk assessments and identify employees who may beespecially at risk.
- Provide appropriate health surveillance where there is an identifiable disease or potential adverse health condition related to our work.
- Appoint competent person(s) to assist us in complying with our statutory duties for health and safety.
- Provide our employees and employees of other employers working on our premises with comprehensive and relevant information on risks, preventative and protective measures, emergency procedures and competent persons.
- Where we identify a risk of serious or imminent danger, we will:
- Establish appropriate procedures for controlling exposure to this special risk, including the stopping and resumption of work.
- Nominate sufficient competent persons to implement the procedure for evacuation from the premises and restrict access to the danger area for all who have not received adequate instruction.
In addition to the above it is our policy to carry out specific risk assessments in accordance with other Regulations and Codes of Practice, as detailed in the Arrangements section of our Health and Safety Policy.
Fire Safety
Exposure to fire can result in burns and inhalation of smoke, either of which can be sufficiently serious to be fatal. Fires can cause massive destruction to the building structure, services, equipment, goods in storage, also information and records can be destroyed or damaged. We are legally obliged to safe guard our employees etc against exposure to the hazards associated with fire.
For these, we undertake to put in place arrangements for the assessment of risks from fire and appropriate control measures to minimise the risks identified. These measures will include the following arrangements, procedures and controls:
- Inspection of the structure of premises for fire safety annually.
- Fire detection equipment to be installed and inspected regularly.
- Fire alarms will be regularly tested.
- Emergency lighting will be provided as appropriate.
- Fire extinguishers will be placed at clearly labelled firepoints.
- Emergency exit routes and signs to be kept clear at all times.
- We will train staff in the use of extinguishers, procedures forfire drills and evacuation.
- Records of training, induction, drills, alarm tests, firecertification to be kept on the premises and up to date in the firecontrol log book located in the Main Office
- Supervision and monitoring of visitors, including contractorswill be carried out by a suitable employee.
- Precautions in respect of disabled people will beimplemented.
Site specific fire safety arrangements will be made where
These arrangements will be reviewed at least annually and on any significant change in the business or the premises. Improvements and alterations may be carried out, following advice from the Fire Prevention Officer, our Insurers, or our Safety Co-ordinator.
Employees are reminded that they have a legal obligation under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 to inform their manager of situations where they see serious and imminent danger to health and safety, OR any matters where they see a shortcoming in our arrangements for health and safety protection.
HIV and Other Blood Borne Diseases
We recognise that some of our employees may be concerned about HIV and other blood borne diseases, such as hepatitis B, in our workplace. We will carry out risk assessments for potential exposure to blood borne diseases, and implement any control measures necessary to protect our employees. Our workplaces may generally be low risk, and there is no significant risk of contracting blood borne diseases in everyday work situations. However, all staff should follow these procedures:
- Keep all wounds covered.
- If there is a spillage of blood, do not touch the blood. Contact the appropriate Manager or one of the first aid assistants, as they have been trained in how to clean up such spillages safely.
- Injuries must only be treated by a qualified first-aider.
- There is a significant risk to first-aiders who treat injuries without using appropriate equipment. We will train all first-aiders in how to protect themselves against blood borne diseases and will provide them with well-maintained protective equipment. All first-aiders should keep disposable protective gloves and a protective resuscitation aid at close hand at all times.
- Employees suffering from HIV are to be encouraged to report their condition to the employer. Employees found to be suffering from HIV infection or AIDS will not be treated differently from other employees. The fact that an employee is suffering from HIV infection or AIDS will not be communicated to other employees without the sufferer’s consent.
Occupational Ill-health
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 e require us to report certain diseases to our enforcing authority. Site agents / managers will provide their staff with information on any occupational diseases associated with their work activity, where relevant.
Any employee who notices any of the symptoms of, or is diagnosed by a doctor as having, any relevant occupational disease must report this to their site agent / manager as soon as possible. We will take all reasonably practicable measures to prevent our employees from contracting any occupational disease. If an occupational disease is contracted, wherever possible we will take steps to protect the employee against further exposure while keeping them in their normal job. If this is not possible, we will try and offer the employee suitable alternative work.
In some cases, we may have to suspend employees to protect their health. This will only be done after all other alternatives have been considered but are not reasonably practicable. Not reporting an occupational disease associated with your work activity is a disciplinary offence. Managers must report any occurrences of occupational diseases to the (BOD)
Carenza Development will report all cases of reportable diseases to the enforcing authority.
Temporary Workers
The Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 apply to the health and safety of temporary workers employed by our business. Except where the temporary worker is retained for short periods (e.g. one day or less), they will be given comprehensible information on the risks to their health and safety, including an induction covering the hazards of our business, emergency procedures and the management controls for those risks. Temporary employees will be exposed to the complete range of risks to which other employees are exposed. They will also be unfamiliar with many of the procedures and will need extra supervision for a period after their induction. Where the temporary worker is retained only for short periods they will be given information on emergency procedures, and will be continually supervised. Responsibility for implementing this policy lies with the site agent / managers. Arrangements and procedures for temporary workers Agencies of temporary staff will be required to provide evidence that they have a safety policy as a matter of contract between our business and the agency. The policy must include a statement that their workers will comply with our safety procedures whilst on our site.
Agencies of temporary staff will be required to provide evidence of employers’ liability insurance. We will provide the agency with details of risks from our activities to the health and safety of personnel supplied by them. All agency or other temporary workers will be assigned to the supervision of a management member of the permanent staff. Where personal protective equipment (PPE) is required and agreed with the agency, it will be provided at no less a standard than for permanent employees.
Where there is no agreement, the agency will be required to provide staff who bring their own PPE. This will apply, for example, to staff using display screen equipment bringing their own glasses if they need visual aids, or maintenance operatives bringing their own safety boots if they are working on site. We will provide extra supervision for all work experience employees. We will carry out extra risk assessments for all work experience employees who are under the age of eighteen.
Peripatetic Workers
The Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 apply to our employees who visit other premises in the course of their work (peripatetic workers).
We recognise that this work is carried out in places that are not under our direct control. We will provide additional measures, such as information, instruction and training, to ensure their safety on the premises of others. Where any of our employees are on other premises for anything other than short periods, we will ensure that those in control of the premises are aware of the proposed activities of our employees, by means of a risk assessment.
We will obtain a risk assessment from the person in control of visited premises, covering any of their activities that may affect our employees. Arrangements and procedures for peripatetic workers None of our peripatetic workers will be expected to work on the premises of others without being advised of the hazards they may face and how to deal with them. We will require all clients to provide our employees with written information on emergency procedures. Clients will be asked to make available their first-aid arrangements, sanitary and washing facilities, and their facilities for rest, eating meals and, where available, their catering arrangements.
When clients do not wish to make any of their facilities available, our employees will be given sufficient time to locate local alternatives for breaks and sanitary facilities. All peripatetic workers will be provided with a travelling first-aid box, whether they are working on a client’s premises where first-aid is available or not. Workers on client’s premises must conform to all their arrangements for fire, security and liaison, such as signing the visitors book, observing no smoking areas and reporting to named managers before starting or leaving work or moving to a different area. Workers on client’s premises will be required to liaise with a previously identified contact at management level.
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations applies to our working environment. We recognise that some substances have the potential to cause ill-health and we will introduce measures to identify what substances our employees use or are exposed to in the course of their work. Wherever we can, we will discontinue the use of harmful substances(so long as this can be done without serious detriment to our business). These substances will be sent for disposal and no more obtained. Where a harmful substance is being used, we will replace it with a suitable and less hazardous substance wherever possible. Substances that we must use will be assessed and control measures introduced to prevent risk to our employees or others affected by our business operations. Where reasonably practicable, these measures will not involve personal protective equipment (PPE).
We will assess the use of all new substances introduced into the workplace. At least once a year, we will make an inventory of all substances present on site and review our control measures, to ensure that the management controls are still appropriate and effective. Where PPE must be used, employees will be provided with the appropriate equipment, which will be maintained, repaired and tested as required by each class of protection.
Information, instruction and training will be provided for all employees who may be exposed to hazardous substances. The necessary information and training will also be provided for any non-employees working on site who may be exposed to hazardous substances. Arrangements and procedures for COSHH
Substance inventory
A complete inventory covering the hazardous substances used and stored on the premises has been prepared and is available for inspection. The inventory listing is regularly reviewed and revised as necessary. The headings required by the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations will be used for our record purposes.
Employees will be reminded that only hazardous substances listed on the substance inventory may be used. No hazardous substances may be introduced to the workplace without management authorisation in writing.
Risk assessments and data
Specific risk assessments as required by the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations will be carried out for all hazardous substances and processes in which they are used. Health and safety data will be obtained from the suppliers of all hazardous substances, and will be kept readily available for inspection.
Information, instruction and training
Employees will be given information, instruction and training in the activities they undertake involving hazardous substances. The information given to employees will include the results of the risk assessment, whether or not there are any significant risks. The information will not include the hazard data sheet, because this requires interpretation by a suitably competent person.
The use of hazardous substances will be restricted to trained/experienced authorised persons who are familiar with the safe use of the substances, hazards associated with processes and the safety precautions to be observed.
Controls for exposure to hazardous substances
Wherever reasonably practicable, management of the risk will be used in the following order:
- Elimination: if we don’t have it on the premises, we are saved the cost of buying it, time to assess it, the expense of controls, time to monitor the controls, the training of employees and recordkeeping.
- Substitution: if possible, we will use something less hazardous that may need more cost effective controls, if any.
- Controls: engineering controls will be used rather than other means, wherever reasonably practicable. If other controls are used,such as reducing the numbers of people exposed to it, or the length of time each person is exposed, the manager of the personnel involved will be responsible for ensuring compliance.
Personal Protective Equipment
The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 applies to our work activities. Personal protective equipment (PPE) will only be used where it is not reasonably practicable to modify the activity, the process, or the method of work to prevent risk. This is because it protects only the wearer, so others who may enter the zone of hazard without PPE will be at risk.
Specific assessments to comply with the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 will be carried out by the manager of each area or department. The appropriate PPE must be worn at all times when on site unless a specific risk assessment indicates otherwise. For all activities requiring the use of PPE, a record will be made of the protective equipment, the operations and the personnel involved.
The manager of each area or department will keep a list of activities that are identified by risk assessments as needing PPE, together with the records of its maintenance, cleaning, disinfection, testing or repair. All PPE required by the risk assessment for the activity will be provided without charge, as required by law. Where PPE must be worn, suitable warning signs will be displayed.
Protective Clothing and Equipment
The head, eyes, hands and feet are all very vulnerable to injury.
Equipment to prevent such accidents will be made available.
- All operatives are required to wear suitable footwear whilst atwork on Company sites or in Company workplaces. Suitable footwear may contain some or all of the following features:- steel toecap, steelmidsole, waterproof (e.g. Wellingtons), oil or chemical resistant soles, electrically insulating, specific protection (e.g. chainsawsetc.).
- Operatives will obey the requirements of any sign or notice indicating that equipment is to be worn.
- When necessary operatives will wear the appropriate hearing defenders issued and be instructed in its maintenance and use.
- Operatives will wear the eye protection issued as appropriate to the work carried out.
- Where necessary, operatives will wear the relevant respiratory protective equipment provided.
- All management, supervisory staff, visitors, sub-contractors and employees, shall wear safety helmets, Hi-viz jackets or waistcoats and protective footwear whilst on Company sites. Normal disciplinary proceedings will be used against employees not complying with this requirement.
- Where other protective measures are not practicable, then forcertain operations, the use of a safety belt or harness may benecessary. The equipment must be suitable for the particular purpose intended and generally a full harness is preferable. This equipment will be issued when required and operatives instructed in its use together with any other related equipment such as life lines, connectors, shock absorbers, fall arrest devices etc.
- All persons issued with protective clothing or equipment must immediately report to supervision any loss or defect in the equipment.
- All activities requiring the use of PPE will be monitored and any item found unsuitable or damaged will be replaced as necessary.
- Only PPE that complies with the relevant British or European standard will be purchased. Where appropriate, only ‘CE’ marked PPE (and replacement components of PPE) will be purchased. PPE will be selected which does not interfere with other items of equipment.
- PPE will be maintained and replaced as necessary to ensure its effectiveness, including cleaning, disinfecting, testing and repair. Employees must report loss or obvious defects in PPE to management as soon as practicable and safe to do so. Where PPE is subject to statutory inspection and testing, records will be kept by the managerof the activity.
- Where appropriate, storage or accommodation will be provided for PPE, separate from that provided for personal outdoor clothing underour welfare arrangements.
- Training can significantly reduce the risk of injury or ill-health and will be provided for all operations requiring the use of PPE.
- In view of the importance of PPE as the ‘last resort’ against hazards, employees are required by the business and the law to use PPE for the activities specified in our risk assessments. Repeated failure to do so may be considered as gross misconduct. Employees, who use PPE that has obvious defects and fail to report these to their manager as soon as practicable and safe to do so, may be subject to our disciplinary procedures.
Suggestions for improvements are welcome. Co-operation of the workforce is vital if the policy is to be a success.